- 寫作諮詢重點:針對諮詢者提供之諮詢文本,協助提供學術英文寫作相關建議,包含文章基本架構、寫作邏輯、段落及字裡行間的流暢度等。
- 寫作諮詢範圍:期刊出版文章、學位論文、專題報告、讀書計畫及相關留學申請文件等(本諮詢不提供逐字、逐句翻譯或修改)。 -
- 寫作編修重點:針對諮詢者提供之諮詢文本,協助提供相關編修服務,包含文章內容架構、內容陳述連貫與否、英文修改、論文寫作格式等(本編修服務請洽本諮詢室)。
- 寫作編修範圍:期刊出版文章、學位論文、專題報告、讀書計畫及相關留學申請文件等(本編修服務請洽本諮詢室)。
The writing consultation room
Original and goal
Academic English writing is something that anyone involved in researched has to face at one point or another.
How to use the appropriate words, phrasing and structure to construct a thesis that meets professional standards is no easy task, and so it is also a problem that is common to many individuals who has to publish in English. They may have groundbreaking data and unique insights, but they are restricted by the language ability in expressing themselves, and may not be able to present their research results in its entirety.
Based on these reasons, and the fact that the University currently have no resource to offer in this regard, the establishment of the writing consultation room provide a support channel for Tamkang faculty and students in their writing endeavors, by offering consultation and editing services on academic article writing. Thematic lectures on academic writing will also be held regularly, and depending on needs, writing seminars and classes may be offered.
Consultation services: offered by Taiwanese and foreign faculty members of the English department, as well as graduate students from the department.
Goal of consultation: to find the sticking point for writing, establish the correct concepts for academic English writing, in the hope of raising academic English writing skills.
Eligibility for consultation: Any teaching staff and undergraduate students at research, teaching, or administrative units of Tamkang University
Items for consultation:
Key areas for writing consultation: focusing on the text and document the individual provided for consultation, provide suggestions and recommendations for academic English writing, including basic structure, logic, and fluency between lines and paragraphs.
Scope of writing consultation: articles for journal publication, degree thesis, themed reports, study planes, document related to overseas studies applications, etc. (The consultation does not offer word-by-word or sentence-by-sentence translation or editing).
Key areas for editing of writing: focusing on the text and document the individual provided for consultation, provide related editing services, including editing on content and structure, the logic and relevance of the content, editing of language use, format of the writing, etc. (Please contact the consultation room for more details regarding services offered under this heading.)
Scope of editing: articles for journal publication, degree thesis, themed reports, study planes, document related to overseas studies applications, etc. (Please contact the consultation room for more details regarding services offered under this heading.)
請上 http://www.ewc.english.tku.edu.tw/ 先完成註冊您個人基本資料(含中文全名非暱稱、電郵信箱和手機號碼),再進行線上預約程序如下 :
註冊 → 選定諮詢日期 → 諮詢時間 → 諮詢項目 → 上傳諮詢文章 → 確認預約 -
若您無法線上預約或上傳檔案,請 email 至 writingmatters3201@gmail.com 或電洽 02-2621-5656 #3621 與我們聯絡
諮詢內容須為WORD檔,內容以不超過1000字為限 (若超過1000字,需分次諮詢)。
字體為TIMES NEW ROMAN,字體大小為12pt,行距為2倍行高。