主 講 者:邱柏瑜 先生 (劍橋大學授權認證中心-睿言商英顧問股份有限公司 專案經理)
主辦單位 :化學工程與材料工程學系
二、時 間:111年10月25日(星期二)中午12時00分至13時00
三、地 點:淡水校園工學大樓E787室
邱柏瑜 先生 (劍橋大學授權認證中心-睿言商英顧問股份有限公司 專案經理)分享EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction)在實務上可能會遇到的問題及挑戰,分別從教師及學生方面來探討其困境以及如何改善和調整以達到有效的課堂教學。
從教師的角度來,使用非母語的英文授課本身就是個不小的挑戰,聽說讀寫四項技能的英文程度須提升到至少CEFR B2-C1程度,另外的常見狀況是在專業學科上的英文程度是足夠的,但是如何清楚且精準得使用英文來說明往往是另一個層面的事情;建議可以在課前準備時與同儕間互相討論跟演練調整適合同學程度的上課內容,此外對於同學可能的問題可以再三確認以避免因為英文程度的關係而誤解同學的問題。
在學生方面,一門全新的知識必須要用一個不熟悉的語言來上課,確實是一個很大的挑戰,勢必會花費更多的時間跟精神來面對課堂,參與採用英文授課的課程,一般來看學生所需的程度須達CEFR B2程度,但是學生實際的英文程度是參差不齊的,儘管有部分同學的程度有達到B2,但是過往並沒有使用學術英文的經驗,也會是另一個可能面臨的挑戰。建議可以在每堂課的一開給予更清楚的課程架構及大綱,將課程的內容分切成較短的片段,在PPT或是課程講義中盡可能以圖像是代替文字敘述,時常回顧之前課程的重點來加強同學在英語課程中的理解程度及成就感。
College of Engineering EMI teacher community event (topic: in-class EMI education and evaluation of core English proficiency)
1. Topic: in-class EMI education and evaluation of core English proficiency
Speaker: Mr. Bo-Yui Chiu (project manager, Acumen Co. Ltd – authorized Cambridge English assessment center)
Organizer: Department of Chemical and Material Engineering
2. Time: 12:00-13:00, May 25, 2022 (Tuesday)
3. Venue: E787, Tamkang University campus
4. Moderator: Associate Professor Yan-Ling Yang, Department of Chemical
and Material Engineering
5. Attendees: Members of the College of Engineering EMI teacher community
At the event, Mr. Bo-Yui Chiu (project manager, Acumen Co. Ltd – authorized Cambridge English assessment center) shared on some of the possible issues and challenges when implementing English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), and looked at the difficulties from the perspectives of the teachers and the students, and how to improve and adjust to provide effective teaching in class.
From the perspective of the teachers, using English that is not their mother tongue to teach is already no small feat itself, and their English proficiency for reading, writing, speaking and listening has to be at least of CEFR B2-C1 level. Another commonly seen situation is that the English level on a professional and academic level is adequate, but how to clearly and accurately use English to explain is another aspect all together. He suggests when preparing before classes, discussing with their colleagues and doing drills can adjust class content to match the students’ level. In addition, double checking the questions students might have can avoid misunderstanding the questions due to the use of English.
From the perspective of the students, learning knowledge from a brand new field using an unfamiliar language is really a massive challenge, and will take them more time and energy to deal with the course. To attend courses that are taught in English generally require students’ English level to be at least of CEFR B2 level, but in practice, English level of students are never consistent. Even though some student’s English proficiency may be of B2 level, but they have never had the experience of using academic English, thus possibly creating another challenge. He suggests that at the start of each class, the teacher should provide clearer lesson structure and outline, and cut course content into smaller portions; use more images to replace text in powerpoint presentations or course materials; and do more frequent reviews of key points in the course to boost students’ understanding and sense of achievement in English taught courses.